In addition to video lectures from master communicator Dr. Vincent Covello, the course Pathway to Risk, High-Concern, and Crisis Communication offers text modules and a comprehensive list of resources that can be used for further exploration.

Text Modules

After purchasing the course, students have the opportunity to view nine video lectures from Dr. Covello. The videos cover the basics of risk communication and the most effective tools and techniques for communicating effectively when trust has been compromised.

The videos also address such specific topics as cultural diversity and nonverbal and visual cues.

The thousands of students who have attended Dr. Covello’s presentations and training sessions can attest to his effectiveness as a speaker, and there is nothing like hearing the master himself share all that he has learned from his extensive experience in the field.

In fact, after considering it for many years, Dr. Covello was finally convinced to share his knowledge via a video course after frequent requests from his many connections.

But while Dr. Covello is most effective when engaging with an audience, the text modules present an effective supplement for further exploration and quick review. Each module goes beyond the information presented in the video lectures and includes helpful visual aids and charts.

Resource List

Another supplement offered with the course is an extensive list of books and academic articles that can be used for further study or as reference for white papers and reports. The following is a small sampling of the resources included in the list.

Andrews, R. (1999). Managing the Environment, Managing Ourselves: A History of American Environmental Policy. New Haven. Yale University Press.

Aufder Heide, E. (2004). Common misconceptions about disasters: Panic, the “disaster syndrome,” and looting. The First 72 hours: A Community Approach to Disaster Preparedness, ed. M. O’Leary. Lincoln, NB: iUniverse Publishing.

Beck, M. & Kewell, B. (2014). Risk: A Study of Its Origins, History and Politics. New Jersey: World Scientific Publishing Company.

Bennett, P. & Calman, K., eds. (1999). Risk Communication and Public Health. New York: Oxford University Press.

Bennett, P., Coles, D., & McDonald, A. (1999). Risk communication as a decision process. Risk Communication and Public Health, eds. P. Bennett and K. Calman. New York: Oxford University Press.

Bier, V. M. (2001). On the state of the art: Risk communication to the public. Reliability Engineering and System Safety71(2): 139–50.

Bostrom, A., Atman, C., Fischhoff, B., & Morgan, M. (1994). Evaluating risk communications: Completing and correcting mental models of hazardous processes, part II. Risk Analysis 14(5): 789–797.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).(2012). Emergency, Crisis, and Risk Communication. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Chess, C., Hance, B. J., & Sandman, P. M. (1986). Planning Dialogue with Communities: A Risk Communication Workbook. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University, Cook College, Environmental Media Communication Research Program.

Coombs, T. W. (1995). Choosing the right words: The development of guidelines for the selection of the “appropriate” crisis-response strategies. Management Communication Quarterly 8(4), 447–476.

Communicating Effectively When Feelings, Fears, and Facts Collide

Pathway to Risk, High-Concern, and Crisis Communication introduces communicators to the tools and techniques for communicating effectively—while providing greater insight into why audiences react the way they do during times of stress.

The course comprises nine video lectures and accompanying text modules, plus supplemental materials for putting valuable lessons into practice.

More information about the course, including group rates and partnering opportunities, can be found by

Dr. Vincent Covello

Dr. Vincent Covello, director of the Center for Risk Communication, is one of the world’s leading experts and practitioners on risk, high-concern, and crisis communication. He is the author of more than 150 articles in scientific journals and the author/editor of more than 20 books. Dr. Covello is a consultant, writer, speaker, and teacher. He is a frequent keynote speaker and has conducted communication skills training for thousands.
